Overnight Camps Seasonal Staff Onboarding Process and Check List

This contains the steps, in order, that need to be completed prior to reporting for work this summer to Sandy Island, North Woods or Pleasant Valley Camps. Clicking the chevron to the right of each item will reveal details relevant to that item. If you have questions you can direct them to the people below:
  • Sandy Island Camp Staff – Leah Tinstman – LTinstman@ymcaboston.org
  • North Woods Camp Staff – Matt Jago – MJago@ymcaboston.org
  • Pleasant Valley Camp Staff – Beth Dales – EDales@ymcaboston.org
  • Supporting Hiring at all the camps – Angelo Firenze, afirenze@ymcaboston.org.


Overnight Camps Seasonal Staff Onboarding Process and Check List

This contains the steps, in order, that need to be completed prior to reporting for work this summer to Sandy Island, North Woods or Pleasant Valley Camps. Clicking the chevron to the right of each item will reveal details relevant to that item. If you have questions you can direct them to the people below:
  • Sandy Island Camp Staff – Leah Tinstman – LTinstman@ymcaboston.org
  • North Woods Camp Staff – Matt Jago – MJago@ymcaboston.org
  • Pleasant Valley Camp Staff – Beth Dales – EDales@ymcaboston.org
  • Supporting Hiring at all the camps – Angelo Firenze, afirenze@ymcaboston.org.


Your Staff Contract is the foundation of your agreement to work at camp. Please confirm the planned start and end dates of your employment and all other information in the contract. If all looks in order you can sign the document electronically within our Campminder information System. You can login to do that here: Campminder Login.

If by chance you are locked out of your account please send an email to your contact listed above.

The Culture Contract for your camp can also be found in Campminder. Only complete the culture contract that aligns with the camp where you will be working. Please read it and accept it electronically. This is a requirement of all seasonal staff. Accepting the Culture Contract, means you have read it and understand what it is saying about our expectations of you as staff, and some of the actions we might take if those expectations aren’t being respected. If you have questions, or want to discuss, please reach out to your camp director.

CONGRATULATIONS! Once those documents are signed, it’s official. You have taken the first official step to being part of the the camp staff for the 2025 season! We are honored and privileged to have you with us. We sure hope you feel the same way!


These forms must be filled out with pen. Electronic signatures cant be accepted.

Massachusetts CORI
Download and complete if your primary residence is in Massachusetts.

Out of State CORI
Download and complete if your primary residence is in the USA but NOT in Massachusetts

All staff whose primary residence is in the USA, download and complete

NH Background Check
Download and complete if you have lived in the State of NH within the last 7 years. This includes attending college in NH.

If printing these documents is a barrier for you, we can print and mail the paper copies you can sign and then either upload or mail back to camp. Please email campingservices@ymcaboston.org with your name and preferred mailing address, and we will send your paper copies to support you in getting this section done as quickly as possible.

Please scan the completed documents from the previous step and upload them here.

Sandy Island Camp Staff Upload Here

North Woods Camp Staff Upload Here

Pleasant Valley Camp Staff Upload Here

If you aren’t sure Upload Here

If scanning is difficult, a picture of the completed forms is acceptable. Please ensure all text is legible and all four corners of the document you are photographing are visible.

If you have a passport, take a picture of the photo page and upload that photo using the upload link below. The picture must clearly show your full name, picture, passport number, all text, and all four edges of the opened passport page.

If you do not have a passport please upload one item from list A and one item from list B below:

List A
US Driver’s License or
School ID with Photo

List B
Social Security Card or
Birth Certificate

If you are having difficulty complying with the above, please contact your Directly ASAP

Sandy Island Camp Staff Upload Here

North Woods Camp Staff Upload Here

Pleasant Valley Camp Staff Upload Here

If you aren’t sure Upload Here

Forms for those Under 18 Year-Olds

Forms for those over 18 Years-Old



Lifeguarding and aquatics certifications

  • YMCA Lifeguarding certification
  • ASHI certification for First Aid, Emergency Oxygen & Basic Life Support
  • Red Cross Lifeguard certification AND Red Cross First Aid certification

All other certifications

  • Driver’s License is necessary for anyone hoping to be approved to drives camp vehicles
  • ServeSafe Certification if you have it and workin a kitchen or Dining Hall
  • NH Commercial Boating License
  • Nursing Licenses

Please Upload Documents Here

This is the end of the first phase of your onboarding process. After we have processed the above documents, you will be setup in our human resources management system (ADP). You will receive an email from ADP inviting you to login and complete the process there. From within ADP you will be required to complete and/or update forms including:

  • Form W4
  • Form M4
  • Direct Deposit Account Number and Routing Number for a US Checking Account (Setup for International Team Members, that don’t already have one will be upon arrival)
  • Acknowledgment that you have reviewed the YMCA of Greater Boston Handbook
  • Certificate of seasonal employment

From ADP you will also gain access to our online training platform, ABSORB. There you will have online training videos to complete.

All of the above must be completed prior to your arrival at camp. If you have any questions about the above, please reach out to your camp director.

login to ADP here

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