Thank you for choosing PLEASANT VALLEY Overnight Camp for GIRLS!

Thank you for choosing PLEASANT VALLEY Overnight Camp for GIRLS!





Typically sunny, with temperatures between 70F and 90F. The evening can be cool, lows of 50-60F, especially at the beginning and end of the summer.

With no traffic, it’s a 2-hour drive from downtown Boston.

Click here for a packing list.

Yes, we recommend a pillow & case, blankets, sheets and a sleeping bag.  Please review the packing list under the question above.

We do accept cabin requests for first-year campers, but we are unable to guarantee they will be met.  Cabin-Mate requests are entered by camper families within the registration site and must have corresponding families matching a request. Requests depend on camper ages, grades and whether it matches up with the rest of the campers enrolled.  We are normally able to meet first-year requests, but we do not take requests in years beyond that.  We also avoid putting too many people that know each other into the same cabin, as cliques can form when a disproportionate number of campers in one cabin know each other prior to arriving at camp. This can hamper our staff’s ability to develop independence, self-worth and lifelong friendships in their cabin.  The director is happy to discuss individual cases with parents.

Our Ropes and Drama Programs are co-ed electives.

No membership is required to attend our camps, though the YMCA is a great place for your whole family! Check out everything the YMCA of Greater Boston has to offer.

On the first Monday of each session campers will chose their classes. Each day will consist of 3 periods in the morning and 3 periods in the afternoon. Campers who sign up for Horseback and Waterskiing will have those selections already listed on their program schedule.

Yes, every child participates in an instructional swim class each day of regular activities. We use the YMCA instructional swim program, a proven swim-training curriculum. Each camper takes a swim test at the start of the session and is placed in a swim level based on abilities. A trained swim teacher instructs all campers.

Each camper receives 6 hours of instruction (weather permitting) per two-week session.

Each camper receives 6 hours of instruction (weather permitting) per two-week session.

The food is wonderful! Our kitchen prepares fresh meals for our campers and takes tremendous pride in the meals. Three well-balanced, tasty and nutritious meals are served every day. A breakfast and salad bar is available at all meals with alternatives to the main course. Sun butter (no peanuts!) and jelly and vegetarian alternatives are also available.

We are able to accommodate some food allergies. If your child has any dietary allergy restrictions, please contact the Camp Office. After determining that we can manage your child’s food allergy, we will create a plan among parents, the camp administration and the chef.

North Woods Camp: Camper’s Name (and Cabin, if known) PO Box 230 Mirror Lake, NH 03853-0230 USA

Pleasant Valley Camp: Camper’s Name (and Cabin if known) PO Box 465, Mirror Lake, NH 03853-0465 USA

Campers love to get mail!  We encourage all of our parents to send mail to their camper at least once a week. North Woods and Pleasant Valley Camps are now Package Free for all sessions.  This means we are not delivering care packages to campers during their stay with us.

We encourage sending lots of letters! Need some ideas for sending something different that meets our new mail policy?  A letter from the family pet, mad libs, pre-stamped stationary, temporary tattoos, magic cards, be creative!

For our 2-week camp sessions we don’t offer a visiting day. 4-week sessions include a “holdover day” between sessions where families have the option of picking up their camper for an overnight or letting them stay at camp.

Calls home are very disruptive to the success of the Camp experience and in most cases, we do not allow calls home. Talking to home makes a campers adjustment to camp more difficult instead of easier. However, parents may call and talk with the director to check on their child’s well-being and get an update about their experience. We encourage communication from parents to their camper in the form of letters.

Yes! We have a full time RN on staff 24 hours a day. Our nurses are wonderful!

Click Here for a letter from the Nurses

Click Here for Tips from the Nurses

Huggins Hospital is located approximately 5 miles from camp in Wolfeboro, NH. The town ambulance is located about 1 mile from camp.

We try to make it a special day for everyone who has a birthday at camp! First, it is announced at flag raising and we sing to happy birthday to each child celebrating. They receive a birthday cake during lunch or supper. The staff love celebrating birthdays at camp and go to great and creative lengths to make the day special!

While we appreciate your gratitude, we ask you to please not tip your camper’s counselor. Instead, we encourage you to make a donation in their honor to the camp scholarship fund that allows more children to have the wonderful experience that your child had. Another option for a “tip” is you could write a letter of reference for the staff member to utilize for upcoming college or job applications.

We provide free laundry to all campers once per session. If your camper is staying for a second session or beyond, we take care of their laundry over the change-over. Be sure to label all of your camper’s clothing so that any misplaced items get returned. *Camp tries very hard to notify and return lost & found. Please call camp regarding any missing items as soon as possible as unclaimed items are washed and donated after two weeks.

We sell souvenirs, hats, t-shirts, shorts, sweatshirts, games, stationery, water bottles and other items. Items purchased at the camp store are deducted from the camper’s store account, which is filled upon registration or at check-in.


Every camper has already paid $50 in the Camp Store. The store sells camp clothing and fun logo items. To check on camper balances while at camp, please call the office or email

Electronics are not allowed at camp, except for digital cameras.  Please note that Camp is not responsible for lost or damaged items.

Cell phones are strictly prohibited at Camp.

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