North Woods Camp - Theming the Cabins

North Woods Camp - Theming the Cabins

North Woods YMCA Camp, nestled on the shores of New Hampshire’s picturesque Lake Winnipesaukee, has long been a steward of character development and outdoor adventure. As an institution dedicated to the YMCA’s core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect, and Responsibility, we recognize the profound impact that names can have on identity and values. This report details our decision to rename/theme our cabins after trees, infusing deeper meaning into the camp experience.

See the content below for a video explaining the initiative, view the full report and see the new Tree Names in each section!

See The Full Report


Tree Selection

  • All trees selected are from the New England Area
  • The names are simple in order to not confuse campers
  • The characteristics of each tree were considered in the naming
  • Trees are not repeated or in the same family


Tree Names and Their Meanings

Each chosen tree name carries a symbolic meaning that resonates with the values we aim to cultivate. From Alder’s adaptability to Willow’s resilience, each name is carefully crafter to inspire campers to embody traits such as resilience, ambition, courage, wisdom.

Junior Section Tree Names


Trail Section Tree Names


Senior Section Tree Names


Why This Order?

The sequence outlined is a thoughtful arrangement influenced by several considerations. Firstly, we took into account the lifespan of each tree, aligning the lifespans with the ages in each cabin. Secondly we prioritized maintaining the thematic continuity of the Junior Section with the A, B, C motif. Lastly, to enhance recall and facilitate navigation through our vibrant camp, we organized the names alphabetically within each designated section.

See The Full Report

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